Solution For Cannibals And Missionaries Game

Posted by admin

The real idea behind the missionaries (Ms) and cannibals (Cs) is actually taking all missionaries to the other side first then the cannibals. Here is a small diagram to show how more than 3 on both side makes the problem impossible:To do that you first attempt taking two Cs to the other side (let's call it side B), and go back take another C as you see in the first two lines. After getting 2 Cs on side B, the only way taking any M to the side B taking two Ms. So lastly we do that. Actually there is also one more possibility which requires moving M and C at the beginning, but the actual idea (putting two Cs to the other side) does not change.As a result there is a little equilibrium where you can only take M and C to the beginning side:so After going back with M and C, the only possible way to move back to the side B is with two Ms. Any other combination will kill an M at least.

And at the same time, you will have no Ms left on the side A and the rest is just taking all Cs one by one.So adding even one M and C to the team will make the game impossible. Because in the second figure, you see the equilibrium and put one M and C to the first side.

So you will never take the last M whatever you do actually. Let's see why with figure:This is where you cannot do anything. You cannot move alone C, you cannot move alone M, the only possible movement becomes M and C to the sides.As a result:It is impossible to solve this problem with more than $3$ Ms and Cs and the maximum amount of M you can take to the side B is $3$ whatever setup you have where there are of course the same amount of Ms and Cs. I think there is a solution to the Missionaries and Cannibals problem when there are five of each, illustrated below, where everyone starts on the left bank, and the center spaces represent the boat and the right represents the opposite bank. MMMMMCCCCC MMMMMCCC CC MMMMMCCC C CMMMMCCC CM CMMMMCCC C MCMMMCCC CM MCMMMCCC C MMCMMMCC CC MMCMMMCC C MMCCMMCC CM MMCCMMCC C MMMCCMMC CC MMMCCMMC C MMMCCCMC CM MMMCCCMC C MMMMCCCC CM MMMMCCCC C MMMMMCCC CC MMMMMCCC MMMMMCCCCCIf you want to go through and check my logic, you can, but I think the trick is to always have a cannibal in the boat, that way, on both banks there is either an equal number of cannibals and missionaries, or there is one more missionary than cannibal.

(Except in the first few steps to set this up, where there is one cannibal by themselves).That's kind of the reason for the (outdated and kinda racist) choice of Missionaries and Cannibals as the things going back and forth. Both are capable of piloting the boat on their own.Other versions of river crossing puzzles have different constraints on how the boat can be moved. For example, this one reminded me of a setup with a farmer trying to move sheep and wolves, where the wolves cannot outnumber the sheep. The difference there is that the farmer steers the boat, and this allows 'empty' crossings, where the boat is on the other side of the river despite not carrying a sheep or a wolf there. Similarly, you could do people and wolves, which is again slightly different from the Cannibal problem, because a wolf cannot cross the river on its own.

I'm looking for an algorithm or complete program (if possible) to solve thecannibal and missionary problem in Lisp or C for an initial configurationof (m m m c c c) on the left bank and 3 things can be taken in the boat atonce, please help.Here is the complete problem:Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river. They havea boat that can carry three people. At least one missionary is needed in theboat to row. They need to cross the river. The difficulty is that at no timeis it safe to allow the cannibals to outnumber the missionaries on eitherside of the river or in the boat.

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If outnumbered,the missionaries would beeaten by the cannibals. How should they proceed to cross the river in asafe manner?ThanksKhangst.@ncsu.edu03.04.98 0:00. 'Khang' writes: Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river. They have a boat that can carry three people. At least one missionary is needed in the boat to row. They need to cross the river.

The difficulty is that at no time is it safe to allow the cannibals to outnumber the missionaries on either side of the river or in the boat. If outnumbered,the missionaries would be eaten by the cannibals. How should they proceed to cross the river in a safe manner?I'd suggest tying the cannibals up, building a raft out of them (cf.Monty Python), and towing them behind the boat. To implement thissolution in Lisp, you'll need to learn about bindings, constructors,and floats.-Robert St. Amant Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxComputer Science Department Voice: (919) 515-7938North Carolina State University Fax: (919) 515-7925Thomas A.

Solution For Cannibals And Missionaries Game

Russ03.04.98 0:00. OK, here's the algorithm:(1) Describe the state of the problem in a suitable representation.(2) Describe the effect of various operators such as getting in theboat, crossing the river, etc.(3) Pick a node in your state space that hasn't been processed.Test it:(3a) If everyone is across the river, then you are done. Printthe record of operators that got you to this point.(3b) If it violates the constraints (cannibals outnumber missionaries)mark the node as a failure.(3c) If it is neither a success or a failure, generate a set ofchildren by applying your operators to the current state.This will in general create a set of new states. Recordthe operator used in creating each new state so that youwill be able to reconstruct the solution.Mark the node as having been processed.(4) Return to step (3)A key step is figuring out a good way to pick the node in step (3).Hint: Depth-first search is unlikely to be a good choice for thisproblem.-Thomas A. Russ, USC/Information Sciences InstituteFrank Adrian03.04.98 0:00. Wrote in message.'


Missionaries And Cannibals Problem Solution In Ai Ppt

Khang' writes: Three missionaries and three cannibals are on one side of a river. Theyhave a boat that can carry three people. At least one missionary is needed inthe boat to row. They need to cross the river.

The difficulty is that at notime is it safe to allow the cannibals to outnumber the missionaries on either side of the river or in the boat. If outnumbered,the missionaries wouldbe eaten by the cannibals. How should they proceed to cross the river in a safe manner?I'd suggest tying the cannibals up, building a raft out of them (cf.Monty Python), and towing them behind the boat.

To implement thissolution in Lisp, you'll need to learn about bindings, constructors,and floats.Although your solution WAS elegant, I think it was a bit too complex for thequestioner. I believe that the SIMPLEST solution would be to let thecannibals eat the missionaries who obviously tranferred into divinty schoolafter being too lazy to do their own computer science homework.-Frank A. AdrianFirst DataBank(W)(H)This message does not necessarily reflect those of my employer,its parent company, or any of the co-subsidiaries of the parentcompany.Christopher Browne04.04.98 0:00.